How to Join:
Join the St. Joseph County Bar Association
Click links below for:

Annual Membership Dues:
(Click on membership category below for link to pay by card)
- Attorney Dues: $250
- New Attorney (First year): $100
- New Attorney (Second & Third Year): $150
- Retired/Inactive/Judiciary: waived
- Paralegal/Legal Assistant: $50
- Law Student: $25
Pay 2024 dues online:
CLICK HERE to pay your entire firm’s membership dues
Lawyer Referral Dues Payment Link
Contact the Bar Office, for more information.
Start or renew your membership and begin saving today.
For over 150 years, local attorneys have received many benefits through their membership with SJCBA. Benefits consist of networking opportunities, access to critical legal research technology, and referral services. Benefits specifically include:
- Full access to the SJCBA’s robust law library.
- Access to the Bar’s LEXIS/NEXIS and MyCase services in the law library.
- Space within the law library to meet with clients.
- Numerous ICLEF video replays throughout the year.
- Local Bar seminars.
- Member only discounts to local events and CLEs.
- Numerous social activities throughout the year where members can network with other members and local judges.
- The New Lawyer Group, which meets regularly for food/drinks.
- Referral services to connect clients to attorneys.
- Mentoring program for members admitted within their first three (3) years of practice.
Membership with SJCBA provides a host of other opportunities to local attorneys. Members receive insight into critical local legal issues and court system developments. Members are also provided opportunities to participate in pro bono work and community service projects.
SJCBA provides a job postings board for local firms and government offices to post job openings and attract applicants. SJCBA also works with job seekers to connect with firms and government officers, learn how to interview, and choose a practice specialty.
Membership also brings many fun opportunities! Members are invited join the New Lawyer Group, attend happy hours, attend fun family outings at Potawatomi Zoo and other local attractions, enjoy meet and greets with local judges, and attend various lunches throughout the year.
SJCBA looks forwarding to working with you throughout your career! Click the link here to become a member today.